Psychopathological traits of personality in patients with anorexia nervosa and their parents



How to Cite

Lázaro, L., Toro, J., & Marcos, T. (1995). Psychopathological traits of personality in patients with anorexia nervosa and their parents. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 21–24. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • L Lázaro Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
  • J. Toro Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
  • T. Marcos Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona


Anorexia nervosa, Personality, M.M.P.I., Outeome


Psychopathological traits of personality were evaluated in a sample of adolescent and young adult patients with anorexia nervosa, by the MM.P.I Psychopathological traits in the parents were also evaluated. The average age of these patients was 15.9±2.2 years old (14-21), being 2 7 women (90%) and three men (10%). 18 pattents (58%) showed pathologicalprofiles. Tbe mostfrequentproftle was type 27' (Depression + Anxiety). Among the group of patients wtth good outcome (N= 17) and the group wtth torpid outcome (N= 13) there were no significative differences in the scales of this questionnaire, exeept in the Pd scale (Psyehopathie deviation) (t=-3.15, p=0.004) and in the Pt sea/e (Psyehastenia) (t=-2.25, p=0.033). In thefathers, the pathology found was basically depression and anxiety, whereas in the mothers the psyehopathologieal profiles were more severe botb quantitatively and qualitatively.


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