ICD-10: the enterprise ofthe milenium



How to Cite

Rodríguez Ramos, P., & Fernández Álvarez, M. (1993). ICD-10: the enterprise ofthe milenium. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 4–10. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/776



Orginial article


  • P Rodríguez Ramos
  • M Fernández Álvarez


Classification ofmental and hebavioural disorders, Axis, Diagnostical criteria, Diagnostical categories, Sections


The tenth review of the International Classification of Viseases (ICD-10) has been designed and developed to provide consolidation. 1be real objetive is that there need not be further wide and regular revtews (previously one every ten years), and that this revistan should last up to the next milenium. Chapter V (F) - Mental and Behavioural Disorders - was rewrittenfour times befare beingfin.ally published. Should more changes need to be made -because of their justification due to empirical progress- there will need only to be adjustment on the existing categories; or in addition of some new ones (that is the reason why some points have been left available for further documentation). The basic version, distibuted far clinical use, is "Clinical descriptions and diagnosis guidelínes". Some versions arise from this: a reduced edition for general use by health professionals. Another edition developed far use in investigation, "Diagnostical criteria of investigation" (ICD-10). lt is a multiaxial sysle'l?i for the descriptton of diseases and tbeir diagnosis. And anolher versfon stilt not distribúted, to be used in child psychiatry. The ICD-10 version is tbe result of structuring the diagnostical criteria and clinical descriptions of tbe matrix version in Essential criteria marked witb capital letters (A, B, C), and Optionals criteria enumerated (inside the Essential criterions). Tbere are also indications on bow many of these Optional criteria must be satisfied. As noted in F-90 (Hiperkinetical disorders), sorne of the ICD-10 are not complete/y defined, at least until instruments witb cut-off points for home and school are designed.


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