Comparative study between phobic disorder and obsessive disorder in children and adolescents



How to Cite

Bassas, N. ., Trias, M., & Tomas, J. . (1994). Comparative study between phobic disorder and obsessive disorder in children and adolescents. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 264–276. Retrieved from



Review article


  • N. Bassas
  • M. Trias
  • J. Tomas


Pbobic disorders, Obsessive disorders, Differential diagnosis, Cbildbood and adolescence


This study consists of comparison between Phobic Disorders and Obsessive Disorders in cbildren and adolescents. The comparison was made between the secondary symptoms of both disorders, diagnosed according to international classifications. The aim of lbe study was to discover if any accompanyíng symptomatology could be objetive/y useful in the differential diagnosis in children and adolescents. The sample included a total of 285 patients of both sexes aged between 4 and 18; 159 phobic and 126 obsessive. Eleven variables were defined ranging from ctevelopment and psychopatbologic disorders to Jamily Jactors and the efficacy of the treatments. Evaluation of the statistical data was carried out tbrougb binomial caculus in arder to see if the dif.ferences between tbe results of tbe two groups were in any way sign{tkant. Tbe results sbow tbat tbe two disorders are similar in many of tbe studied variables. Howewer, some significant data (sleep disorders, depressive symptoms and deuelopment diso1·ders) and the results of the descriptive analysis suggest tbat tbis study could open a line of research wbicb may prove wortlnuhUe in tbe dlfJerenti:al diagnostic of Pbobic and Obsessive Disorders. 


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Author Biographies

N. Bassas

Adjunto clínico

M. Trias

Adjunto clínico

J. Tomas

Jefe de Unidad


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