Developmental psychologic study of children with congenital hypothyroidism



How to Cite

Rocabayera, L. ., Bargada, M. ., Teixidó, M. L. ., Bielsa, A. ., Gastaminza, X., & Tomas, J. . (2021). Developmental psychologic study of children with congenital hypothyroidism . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 113–121. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • L. Rocabayera
  • M. Bargada
  • M. L. Teixidó
  • A. Bielsa
  • X. Gastaminza
  • J. Tomas


Congenital hypothyroidism, Psychomotor developinent, Psychologic problems


T7n present study comprises a sample of490 children congenital bypothyroidism distrihuted in two groups: 13 patients, all girls wüh gland agenesis and 27 patients (18 girls and 9 hoys) with ectopic tbyroids. 1vlean age of the girls with agenesis at the start of treatment was X=27. 7 days and X=28.3 in those with bypofunction. Mean T4 in girls with agenesis was X=J.06 andX=3.89 in those with hypofunction.
Socio-econo1nic and cultural levels were similar in hoth grups. Tbe results q/3 evaluations at 2, 4 and 6 years are presented.
Tests used were Denver, JvlcCarthy, Rey and WISC, together with a computerized clinical history in which data on ,notar development, sleep hehaviour, relationship alterations, language disorders, anxiety levels q/the parents were assessed hy the STA! (state­trait anxiety inventoiy) anxiety questionnaire. Results show an intellectual leve! distrihution siinilar to that q/ the general population. Fine motor prohlems appeared at 2 years and personal social hehaviour was under-developed. Percentages q/ children witb sleep disorders were higb. Furthermorc, .fi'oni 1 ycarcs on, languagc disordcrs, tyrannical and absorben! hehaviour and perceptions altemtions were detected. No signf/icant dif/erences were obserued in any o/ these parameters according to their aetiologies. In contrast, at 6 years, and in the agenesis group, inhihited behaviour and anxiety .1ymptoms became evident, coinciding witb tbe schooling period cmd with signficant d!l/'erences hetween the hypn/únr:tinning gland and the other ages. In general, cmxiety levels q/ the mothers were bigber tban tbose of tbejo thers and decreased as tbe child grew older. 


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Author Biographies

L. Rocabayera

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Univercitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron Barcelona

M. Bargada

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Univercitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron Barcelona

M. L. Teixidó

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Univercitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron Barcelona

A. Bielsa

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Univercitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron Barcelona

X. Gastaminza

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Univercitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron Barcelona

J. Tomas

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Univercitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron Barcelona


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