Bulimia and self-esteem: a review



How to Cite

Olza, L., Velilla, M. J., Quintanilla, M. A., & Sisteré, M. (1999). Bulimia and self-esteem: a review. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 39–44. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/486



Review article


  • L. Olza Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • M. J. Velilla Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • M. A. Quintanilla Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • M. Sisteré Hospital Clínico Universitario


Bulimia, Selfesteem, Self-concept


Introduction: Chronic feelings of low self esteem are a commun symptom among bulimic patients. Several authors have suggested that this could be a nuclear aspect of the psychopathology of bulimia nervosa, as well as a prognosis marker. The relationship between low self esteem and insatisfaction with self image it is not clear. While sorne authors describe low selfesteem as a symptom of a depressive syndrome, others view it as the cause of insatisfaction and therefore of depression.


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