Speare time and adaptation in adolescents



How to Cite

Ruiz Lázaro, P. M., & Ruiz Lázaro, P. J. (1997). Speare time and adaptation in adolescents. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 107–112. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/566



Orginial article


  • P. M. Ruiz Lázaro Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • P. J. Ruiz Lázaro Centro de Salud Labradores


Adaptation, Adolescent, Spare Time


Introduction: the spare time is an educational space, complementary of family and school with a great value in mental hygiene. It is necesary to analysis o/ reality: social, school and family environment, to realize a programming according to didactical needs. Objective: to know the adaptation in adolescents from old town o/ Zaragoza who assist in spare time clubs. Material and method: it is used the Bell's adolescent adaptation questionary (1934), adapted and standardized by Cerda (1963) in people between 12 and 16 years old who assist to spare time clubs in the old town (District 1). Results: it is obtained pieces o/ information o/ fainiliar, health, social and emotional adaptation of spare time clubs a,ncl PIEE (Integration Scboolar Space Plan) o/ Portillo-Pignatelli zone with 84 subjects. Diferences are noticed between this normalized clubs o/ integration and the specific clubs, which working with poors, gipsies and migrants people sorne o/ them with bad behavior in the questionary application. Conclusions: it seems use/u! to study in a scientific way the adaptation since the spare time clubs in union with health professionals. This can improve the educational and preventive labor of spare time monitors, knowing deeper the problems about the adolescents which working with.


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