OCD in child and adolescent psychiatry: neurobiological approach



How to Cite

Verdes, M. C., Bielsa, A., Tomás, J., & Lombardía, C. (1998). OCD in child and adolescent psychiatry: neurobiological approach. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 171–179. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/454



Orginial article


  • M. C. Verdes Unitat de Paidopsiquiatría. Hospitals Vall d'Hebron
  • A. Bielsa Unitat de Paidopsiquiatría. Hospitals Vall d'Hebron
  • J. Tomás Unitat de Paidopsiquiatría. Hospitals Vall d'Hebron
  • C. Lombardía Instituto de Asistencia Sanitaria


Obssesive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Childhood, Adolescence, Polysomnography, Neuropsychological


This is a preliminary study that includes various neuropsychological and morfofuntional possibilities that injluence Obssesive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in a sample with adolescents and chi!dren. The OCD has a global prevalence of 25% and annual prevalence between 1.5% and 2.1%. The initial age usually begins in adolescence or at the beginning of adulttood, but there is sufficient evidence that it could begin at childhood. Will be presented the results of 1 O patients that we studied in our deparment. In the first stage each patient was evaluated on the neuropsychological and morfofuntional aspects and study of the cerebral SPET anda Polysomnography were done. The most important results in the neuropsychological evaluation show high levels of anxiety, a normal perceptive activity for the age, with a type IV spacial structure predominating (yuxtaposotion of details}. On the other hand, the majority of patients have an inferior performance in the scale related with abstract reasoning, acquisition of the basic cuantitative concepts, perceptive performance and the structural spacial analysis; half of the sample presented also had inferior capabilities in the psychomotor velocity. In the Polysomnography a sleeping pattern was found whit little structure and disruptions in mid-cycle. In the cerebral SPET there is a predominance of the multifocal alterations. In general the capture of the cortical heterogenea image predominates. The results in the first stage althoug not definitive indicate the necessity to continue working in this direction given that there apear to be alterations not only in the neuropsychological level but also in the mo-rphofunctional level, althoug al the moinent we can not be precise.


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