lrrational beliefs in adolescent women



How to Cite

Ruiz, P. M., Ruiz, P. J., Velilla, J. M., & Bonals, A. (1998). lrrational beliefs in adolescent women. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 107–109. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • P. M. Ruiz Hospital Clinico Universitario
  • P. J. Ruiz Centro de Salud Labradores
  • J. M. Velilla Hospital Clinico Universitario
  • A. Bonals Hospital Clinico Universitario


Adolescence, Woman, Irrational beliefs


Introduction: the irrational thought, primitive, magic, pre o paralogic it is frequent in the psychic activity o/ the children and adolescent. It can be source of undesirable emotional con;sequences. Objective: to know the alterations cognitives with irrationality in an scholar adolescent women sample. Material and methods: it was applied of collective and prospective manner the lrrational Beliefs lnventory (ICI} (JI Capafons, CD Sosa, MD Conesa-Peraleja, AM Navarro, F Silva) o/ 33 items, percentiled, in a population of scholar adolescent women, in 1°, 2°, 3° of Spanish Secondary Education, BUP, Professional Formation Sanitary Branch. Results: it was complimented by 212 adolescent of feminine sex with an age range of 14 to 18 years andan average of 15.20 years. 19.3% of the adolescents presented a percentile to the 75. Through the statistic contrast with squared Chi was determined that the age ot the be found in a scholastic course or other do not seem be variable that affect to the great or smaller punctuation in the lrrational Beliefs lnventory.


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