Adapting Mental Health Services to the necesities of the adolescents: a community-intervention strategy



How to Cite

Benito de la Iglesia, A., & Rodríguez Ramos, P. (1998). Adapting Mental Health Services to the necesities of the adolescents: a community-intervention strategy. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 8–12. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A. Benito de la Iglesia Servicios de Salud Mental del Distrito de Tetuán
  • P. Rodríguez Ramos Servicios de Salud Mental del Distrito de Tetuán


Adolescence, Mental Health Services


A high prevalence o/ disturbed adolescents who re/use treatmenl enhances new strategies far detection and treatment adecuated to the special psychoLogy of the adolescents. One of them is the PAJE (Atention Program in the Sebo/ar Setting) wich inclu.des worksops about primmtinn an.d therapeutic orientation. 49.3% o/ the 14 to 17 years-old adolescents treated in the Mental Health Services from a district of Madrid asleed far treatment througth the PAJE. This treatmem:s world not have been demanded thruugh the national health system. This program constic,1,tes a significative improve in the objetives of the Mental HeaLth Services for adolescents without increasing the costs.


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