Fortnite addiction in need of hospital detox



How to Cite

Márquez-Arbués, S., Ramos-Vidal, C., Espinosa-Mata, M., Álvarez-Núñez, T., & Real, M. (2021). Fortnite addiction in need of hospital detox. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 38(2), 59–65.



Case reports




adolescent, internet, addictive behavior, fortnite, DSM 5


The generalization of the use of new technologies in daily life and in aspects related to leisure is bringing to light potential damages of the inappropriate use of video games and the need for specialized treatment in those subjects with signs of behavioral addiction. The case of a 15-year-old man with a serious behavioral addiction to the Fortnite video game that required full hospitalization for detoxification is exposed. We describe the treatment carried out with a multidisciplinary and intensive approach, both individually and in its environment, and the results of its efficacy in a case study. The treatment received has allowed the subject to address the underlying symptoms that were hidden by the addiction to screens and has allowed them to face the emotionality experienced. The results show a significant decrease in gaming use time, as well as an improvement in the patient's personal and social functioning. 


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