Early Intervention After the Earthquakes in Puerto Rico in January 2020: Resilience, Prevention and Promotion of Child and Adolescent Mental Health



How to Cite

Cruylles, S., Rolón, M., Sabaté, N., Kim, C., Alsina, Y., & Carrión, V. G. (2020). Early Intervention After the Earthquakes in Puerto Rico in January 2020: Resilience, Prevention and Promotion of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 37(2), 23.29. https://doi.org/10.31766/revpsij.v37n2a3



Orginial article


  • Susana Cruylles Asociación Española de Psiquiatría del Niño y del Adolescente https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7123-9922
  • M. Rolón Universidad Carlos Albizu
  • N. Sabaté Ponce Health Sciences University
  • C. Kim Fundación Pure Edge Inc
  • Y. Alsina Universidad de Stanford
  • V. G. Carrión Universidad de Stanford




Mental health prevention and promotion, allostatic load, resilience, mindfulness, natural disasters


Introduction: This article describes an early intervention model for the prevention of pathology, and
for the promotion of resilience, after the earthquakes on the island of Puerto Rico in January 2020. On
January 7, 2020, an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 on the Richter scale struck the island of Puerto Rico. As a
consequence of the seismic movement, an important part of the population, suffered displacements from
their homes and closing of schools. In addition to what they previously lived through, such as Hurricane Maria in 2017, increasing their burden of allostatic stress. After initial help from the rescue forces, a need to provide psychological support to the population and to the professionals involved in giving that
psychological support, was detected.

Methods: Starting from a precarious infrastructure, it was decided to implement an intervention with the
objective of providing information on the impact of traumatic stress on the individual, along with practical
mindfulness exercises. The program integrated lessons from Cue-Centered Therapy with exercises from the
Pure Power curriculum.

Results: Through a satisfaction questionnaire, the need of these type of programs was confirmed. The implementation of these prevention programs should be considered when planning to intervene with
other similar populations at risk. Thus, avoiding the consequences of trauma, reducing the allostatic load in
the individual, and preventing and promoting mental health and resilience. The discussion introduces the
need to develop follow-up procedures, to confirm the effectiveness and maintenance over time.


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Author Biographies

Susana Cruylles, Asociación Española de Psiquiatría del Niño y del Adolescente

Psicóloga clínica, terapeuta de familia, practica privada.

M. Rolón, Universidad Carlos Albizu

Psicóloga, Catedrática Auxiliar del Programa de Graduado de Psicología Escolar.

N. Sabaté, Ponce Health Sciences University

Psiquiatra, Directora del Programa de A Psiquiatría de Niños y Adolescentes, Catedrática Asociada en Psiquiatría, Ponce, Puerto Rico. 

C. Kim, Fundación Pure Edge Inc

Master en Educación, Directora Ejecutiva de la Fundación Pure Edge Inc., Washington D.C., Estados Unidos.

Y. Alsina, Universidad de Stanford

Médico, Asistente de Coordinación de Investigación clínica, Stanford Cognitive & System Neuroscience Laboratory, Escuela de medicina de la Universidad de Stanford, California, Estados Unidos.

V. G. Carrión, Universidad de Stanford

John A. Turner, M.D. Professor, Psiquiatra infantojuvenil, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Escuela de medicina de la Universidad de Stanford, California, Estados Unidos.


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