EIVA: a propasal for an integrate scale for the assessment of inf antile autism



How to Cite

Trias, M. ., Bassas, N., & Tomas, J. (1994). EIVA: a propasal for an integrate scale for the assessment of inf antile autism . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 107–118. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/670



Review article


  • M. Trias
  • N. Bassas
  • J. Tomas


Infantile Autism, Peruasive Development Disorders, Rating Seales Jor Autism


This study propases a new instrument to evaluate inf antile autistic behaviour. A scale has been created incorporating the most well-known and internationally used scales (ESE and CARS) together with diagnostic criteria of In/anti/e Autism based on the ICD-1 O Classification. Thís new scale is caled the EIVA seale. The objective was to acbieve an up-to-date, objectíve and complete scale which would be adequate Jor the Spanish infantile population.
The EIVA seale contains 23 ítems which define specific behaviour. The items are grouped together in three areas defined according to the ICD-10 (F54.0).
The sea/e measures the Jrequency response, rated Jrom 0-4 (never-always). Thus obtaining a profile of the chtld's behaviour.
This scale permits further research with the aim of validating and extending the knowledge of a disorder as complexas Infantíle Autism. At the moment this only intends to be an additional instrument in the Clinical evaluation of such patients. 


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Author Biographies

M. Trias

Adjunto clínico

N. Bassas

Adjunto clínico 

J. Tomas

Jefe de Unidad Unitat de Psiquiatría. Hospital Universitaria Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona. 


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