Importance of attachment and relationships in family therapy



How to Cite

Romero Escobar, H., & Romero Escobar, S. (2022). Importance of attachment and relationships in family therapy. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 39(2), 59–68.



Review article




Attachment, parenthood, couple, family therapy


This article, in which we relate attachment and family therapy, responds to one of the purposes of psychotherapy, which is to strengthen mental life. To do this, therapists must create a space of coherence, responsibility and safe limits that creates a secure base in the relationships with patients. We must take into account that the family has an essential role in the development of the individual and that the family environment is the first emotional climate in which the child lives. In order to fulfil the support that must be given between family members, different figures of attachment are generated. For this reason, we will first focus on couple and attachment relationships, their different styles, the choice of partner and the parallels between these romantic adult relationships and between the baby and his or her caregivers. Secondly, we have analysed parenthood and attachment by evaluating parental skills and pointing out the indicators of good treatment of parents and children, also making a brief approach to the particularities of the adoption process. Finally, we will give our more practical view of the work with families, concluding the importance, from our point of view, of addressing attachment not only inside the family members but also between the family and the therapists.


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