Depressive symptoms in adolescents with major depression or anorexia nervosa



How to Cite

Escobar Giraldo, R., Haro Abad, J., Castro, J., & Toro, J. (1993). Depressive symptoms in adolescents with major depression or anorexia nervosa. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 235–242. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • R Escobar Giraldo Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona Servicio de Psiquiatría Infantil y Juvenil
  • J.M. Haro Abad Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona Servicio de Psiquiatría Infantil y Juvenil
  • J Castro Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona Servicio de Psiquiatría Infantil y Juvenil
  • J Toro Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona Servicio de Psiquiatría Infantil y Juvenil


Anorexia nervosa, Depression, Clinical depression inventory (CDI)


Anorexia neruosa (AN) is an eating disorder often associated to depressive symptoms. Occasionally it can be very difficult to differentiate AN from a depression if the adolescent has weight loss. This article describes the results obtained fron the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) of AN patients and is compared with the results of major depression patients. A total of 55 girls, 31 cases of AN and 24 cases of major depression (DSMIIIR criteria) were studied. The CDI mean total-score was 16.2 for AN and 26.6 for major depression. The difference is significant (p< 0.001). Findings about inventory results in both groups and validity of the results are discussed.


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