Clínical variables in childhood and adolescence mental health



How to Cite

López Villalobos, J., Sánchez Azón, M. l, & Gil-Diez Usandiuga, C. (2021). Clínical variables in childhood and adolescence mental health. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 16–23. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J.A López Villalobos
  • M. l Sánchez Azón
  • C Gil-Diez Usandiuga


Biopsychosociological entity, Preventive programmes, Underlying morbility, Neurotical disorders, Several variables


In this study, we comment on, by relating socialdemographical and clinical Jactors to the disorders described in the DSM-III, the importance of the globality of the elements that have influence on the Mental Health of both youth and chlidren. We, therefore, have to consider the child as a biopsycbosociological entity that is constantly progressing while, at the same time, is betng influenced by lots of variables related to bis/her inner and interpersonal context. It is important propase preuenttve programmes of detetection tbut irnpruve u pupuluttun 's quultty uf life so that the use of proper personal and socioeconomical resources can be implemented to best advantage. This study is based on 3 70 cases histories (between 1 O and 16 years) Jrom the Child-Youth population of tbree Prtmary Care Centers (CAP) from the city of Palencia. Tbe variables studied have been: priorltary diagnosis, associated diagnosis, sex, age, orlgins, school problems, psychiatrlc background, place in the family, culture of the parents and social skills and abilitíes.


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