Evaluation of the cooperation using mthe Prisoners’ dilemma in children with Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder



How to Cite

Montañés Rada, E., Catalán Malo, P., de Lucas Taracena, M. T., Portellano, J. A., Estrada Rollón, E., & Caballero Sánchez, R. (2005). Evaluation of the cooperation using mthe Prisoners’ dilemma in children with Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 22(4), 164–171. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/72



Orginial article


  • E. Montañés Rada Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)
  • P. Catalán Malo
  • M. T. de Lucas Taracena Centro Salud Mental de Getafe
  • J. A. Portellano Universidad Complutense
  • E. Estrada Rollón
  • R. Caballero Sánchez Equipo Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica Alcorcón (EOEP)


ADHD, defiant-disorder, Prisoners´ dilemma, cooperation


Concept of cooperation in essential for understanding human nature. In our study we evaluate cooperation in patients with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity plus defiant disorder (ADH+DD). We used a test designed by us, called computerised Prisoners´dilemma to evaluate cooperation (DPOC). This test tries to avoid response bias in test based on questionnaires with a simulation by computer of a social interchange. Comparisons of ADHD+DD with community control group show that their cooperative behaviour is chaotic in absence of a treatment stabilization (defined as an improvement of 4 in a Likert scale for parents and a score below diagnosis point in Conners and Eyberg test). Once stabilization was reached with metilphenidate 0,6- 1mg/kg plus psycotherapy, ADHD+DD case have a more erratic and less cooperative behavior than a control group, with more impulsive responses and difficulty to understand the test when it becomes more complex.


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Author Biographies

E. Montañés Rada, Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)

Responsable de Psiquiatría Fundación Hospital Alcorcón. Profesor Asociado Dto. Psicobiología de la U. Complutense

P. Catalán Malo


M. T. de Lucas Taracena, Centro Salud Mental de Getafe

Psychiatrist. Centro Salud Mental de Getafe

J. A. Portellano, Universidad Complutense

Profesor Titular del Dto. Psicobiología de la U. Complutense.

E. Estrada Rollón


R. Caballero Sánchez, Equipo Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica Alcorcón (EOEP)

Miembro Equipo Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica Alcorcón (EOEP).


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