Suicidal behaviour in sociofamiliar network of adolescent and young adult suicide attempters



How to Cite

Fernández Rivas, A., González Torres, M. A., & Lasa Zulueta, A. (1995). Suicidal behaviour in sociofamiliar network of adolescent and young adult suicide attempters. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 153–157. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A. Fernández Rivas Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete
  • M. A. González Torres Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete
  • A. Lasa Zulueta Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete


Suicide attempt, Socio-familiar network, Adolescent, Young adult


A comparative case-control matcbed study is performed on antecedents of suicidal behaviour (completed and attempted suicide) in a group of relatives, friends and, partners of adolescents and young adults who have made a suicide attempt. Tbe results collectecl clearly show a higher frequency of suicidal behaviour in the social network (friends) of the adolescents who have made a suicide attempt. The antecedent of suicidal behaviour with a higher Jrequency than the control group has been Jound neither in relatives or partners of adolescents nor in social-familial network of the young adults sample. Final results are discussed with a brief exposition of national and international literature on the subject.


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