About the ambiguous relation among stimulant treatment and tics



How to Cite

Rodríguez Ramos, P., & Fernández Álvarez, M. A. (1995). About the ambiguous relation among stimulant treatment and tics. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 103–109. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/647



Orginial article


  • P Rodríguez Ramos Servicios de Salud Mental de Tetuán
  • M. A. Fernández Álvarez Servicios de Salud Mental de Tetuán


Stimulants, ADHD, Tics


In clinical practice it ts not rare that tics worsen or that new ones appear during treatment with stimukmts. Tbe causes Jor itas much as the part played by stimulants is a matter of controversy and ts subjected to controversy. Stimulants may 1) favour the appearance of tics, 2) accelerate their presentation, 3) tncrease pre-exfsting tics or 4) the appearance or increase of tics may just be coincidental. In an eight year old child, with personal and Jamily htstory of tics, worsening o/ pre-existing tics is described when administering metylphenidate; on withdrawing treatment after 3 months the tics almost disappeared. Worsening of tics after the use of stimulants may suggest the existence of individual Jactors such as neonatal jaundice; these f actors may or may not be related to the genetic f actors of these disorders, but in case these are identified, that may contribute to the prevention of a risk that, until it is not cleared, requires sorne prudent measures, or else an alternative therapy, befare the administration of stimulants.


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