Psychopathology and coping among parents with chronichally in children



How to Cite

Ampudia, M., Gastaminza, X., Quiles, I., Ortiga, R., Tomás, J., Martín, L., & Hernández, M. (1995). Psychopathology and coping among parents with chronichally in children. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 96–102. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M.S. Ampudia Hospital Universitario
  • X. Gastaminza Hospital Universitario
  • I Quiles Hospital Universitario
  • R Ortiga Hospital Universitario
  • J Tomás Hospital Universitario
  • LM Martín Hospital Universitario
  • M.I Hernández Hospital Universitario


Children, Chronic, Coping strategies, Parents psychopathology


A group of parents whose children were diagnosed of a chronic illness were enrolled in this study. Our objective is to assess their psychopathological characteristics and the diff erent coping strategies related to thetr children 's illness. Parents of cancer-affected and non cancer-affected children were divided into two groups because cancerous diseases may have socio-cultural cvnnutattuns different Jrum other tllnesses and thus may generate more stress in the Jamilies. Rnth types nf parents are compared with another group of healthy chtldren 's parents and a group of pre-examination students. Results show higher anxiety levels among the parents whose children were diagnosed of cancer. However, coping strategies were similar in these two groups, independently Jrom their respective illnesses. At the same time, coping methods of the ill children 's parents differed significantly from those of the healthy children 's parents and the students' group.


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