Brain spect in generalized development disorder, unspecified: purpose of a case



How to Cite

Fernández, A., Muñoz, P., Pérez Rodríguez, A., González, A., Gutiérrez Casares, J. R., & González Torres, A. (1997). Brain spect in generalized development disorder, unspecified: purpose of a case. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 276–278. Retrieved from



Case reports


  • A Fernández Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete
  • P Muñoz Hospital de Basurto
  • A Pérez Rodríguez Hospital de Basurto
  • A González Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete
  • J. R. Gutiérrez Casares Hospital Infanta Cristina
  • A González Torres Hospital de Basurto




Functional neuroimaging studies carried out in the field of childhood psychoses, although scarce so far, are providing very interesting information on the etiological bases of these disorders, especially primary autism and childhood-onset schizophrenia.


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