Self-evaluate determination of insomnia in early adolescence



How to Cite

Canals, J., Domenech, E. ., Fernández Ballart, J. ., & Martí-Henneberg, C. . (2021). Self-evaluate determination of insomnia in early adolescence. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 94–101. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J. Canals
  • E. Domenech
  • J. Fernández Ballart
  • C. Martí-Henneberg


Adolescent, Insomnia, Psychopathology


A prospectivefour years study have been realized to examine se[fevaluate deterinination of insomnia in a 534 adolescent scholarized sample of an urban population ji'o,n Catatonia. Sleep disturbs have been measured by a non spec[fic questionnaire and relations between insomnia and depmssion symptoms, anxíety leve!, personality profile, attention
and academíc aptitudes have been analized. From 34.2% to 43. 7% qfgirls and/iwn 24% to 41.9% qf boys have clijficultiesfor getting sleep. This probleni reaches 66. 7% ofannual prevalence infemales and 5 7.1 % in males, biannual prevalence gets at 4 7.2% at 35% in both indexes. A possitive relationship with anxiety leve!, depression symptoms and some personali(y traits have been found. Also, insomnia persistence is related with low cognitive achievement.


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Author Biographies

J. Canals

Departament de Psicología. Universitat l,ovira i Virgili

E. Domenech

Departmnent de Psicología de la Salut. Universitat Autónoma ele Barcelona.

J. Fernández Ballart

Departament de Ciencies Mediques Basiques (Medicina Preventiva). U.R.V .

C. Martí-Henneberg

Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia (Pediatría). U.R.V.


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