Code V in adolescence: general characteristics and average use of specialized services



How to Cite

Domínguez, M. D., López, P., & Vázquez, M. (1997). Code V in adolescence: general characteristics and average use of specialized services. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 82–91. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. D. Domínguez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • P. López Unidad de Salud Mental Infanta-Juvenil
  • M. Vázquez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Adolescence, Codes V, Health Service Use


In this paper we analyse the characterisitics of adolescents diagnosed as Code V (DSMIII R). A sample totaling 524 adolescents. The sample as a whole 168 subjects were diagnosed as Code V and 356 are classified by diverse psychiatric diagnosis. Methods used far research were: casuistic description and compartion of both groups of the adolescents consulted in the USM-IJ in the are a of Santiago during the period 1990-199 5. A descriptive analysis of the characteristics, socio-demografic, sociofamiliar and the use of Specialized Services of adolescents of both groups by means of a statistical table. The results suggest the diagnosis of Code V has an important prevalence amongst adolescents consulted in one USM-IJ (32%) and a progressive increment of this diagnosed category has been observed. As far the characteristics we find that the number of males whose medica! demand come basically from the family although we did no notice any sort of specific ar conflictive problems neither in the family nor in the school. The average use of specialized Services is high but always less than far adolescents receiving other psychiatric diagnosis. Keeping in mind the dijferent subtypes of Code V we observe a greater use of specialized Services by adolescents suffering problems with family realtionship.


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