Clozapine treatment in one case of childhood schyzophrenia



How to Cite

Ruiz González, M. l., de Dios de Vega, J. L. ., & Yáñez, R. . (2021). Clozapine treatment in one case of childhood schyzophrenia. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 31–37. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. l. Ruiz González
  • J. L. de Dios de Vega
  • R. Yáñez


Neuroleptic treatment, Tolerance, Clozapíne


The clínica! experíence with clozapine in chíldren is very limited. This is largely due to clozapine safety and e.fjicacy not having been enough documented in this sort of patients. So, it is not advisable to be used in childhood and adolescent schizophrenia. We reporta sucesful trial with c!ozapine in afourteen year old male child, who had a psychotic episode with hallucinations and delusions. The therapautic results have been very satiyactory. No adverse events were developed under this treatment. In spite of having such little experíence with clozapine treatment in these patients, we think that this drug could become a usejitl medication far children and adolescents with schizophrenia, with the same indications than adult patients: resistant patients to classical neuroleptics and/or patients with intolerance to neuroleptic therapy. Clozapine treatment should be introduced as an inpatient treatment, with a careful monitoring because of the potentíal risk of developing siete e.ffects and/or adverse events. Clozapine appears to be a very promising drug tberapyjor children and adolescents sif[/"om scbizophrenia. 


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Author Biographies

M. l. Ruiz González

Residente de Psiquiatría

J. L. de Dios de Vega

Psiquiatra. Servicio de Psiquiatría Infantil

R. Yáñez

Psiquiatra Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos. Madrid.


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