Selective mutism. A sample of five cases and the evolutive course of one ofthem after ten years' follow-up



How to Cite

Hernández Viadel, M. ., Pérez Prieto, J. ., Bermejo, V., & Agüero, A. . (2021). Selective mutism. A sample of five cases and the evolutive course of one ofthem after ten years’ follow-up . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 14–21. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. Hernández Viadel
  • J.F. Pérez Prieto
  • V. Bermejo
  • A. Agüero


Selective mutísm, Evolutive course, Schízophrenia psychosis


A hibliographical revision on Selective Mutism. is made, insistíng especíally in the study of díagnostíc criteria, the associated factors and the therapeutic methods that have heen used. A casuístic saniple of five cases is explored and ít also relates extensívely the clinícal histo1y and the evolutive course suffered by one of themfot ten years. 


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Author Biographies

M. Hernández Viadel

Medicas Residentes de Psiquiatría

J.F. Pérez Prieto

Medicas Residentes de Psiquiatría

V. Bermejo

Psicólogo Infantil

A. Agüero

Profesor Titular de Psiquiatría


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