The conduct disorders in preschoolers, instruments evaluation: review of questionaries, scales and inventory



How to Cite

Masdeu, E., Xicoy, S., Jané, M. C. ., & Doménech, E. (1999). The conduct disorders in preschoolers, instruments evaluation: review of questionaries, scales and inventory. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 249–259. Retrieved from



Review article


  • E Masdeu Universitat Autónoma
  • S Xicoy Universitat Autónoma
  • Mª. C. Jané Universitat Autónoma
  • E. Doménech Universitat Autónoma


Conduct disorders, psycopathologic evalution, evaluation instruments, preschoolers


The conduct disorders at preschoolers represent a serious by effects of child's psychology. Most of the watchable disruptive behaviors, and appeared sporadically during the development, are not considered to be of a high risk at the psychological and social levels. Nevertheless, if they continue and are severely shown, they may alter the child's behaviour and his nearest environment too. However, many evaluation instruments exist, only a few of them exactly measure this alteration at preschoolers. So, it is necessary to create new instruments that exlusively diagnose this psycopathology and at the same time that allow us to make an early identification in arder to facilitate the prevention and treatment. About the present investigation scales such as: the Daily Child Behavior Checklist (DCBC, Furey and Forehand, 1983), the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBl, Eyberg, 1980), the Prosocial Behaviour Questionnaire (PSBQ, Weir and Duveen, 1981) and the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior lnvetory (SESBI, Funderburk and Eyberg, 1989) join up most of the requirements mentioned up to now. Nevertheless, a proper adaptation far Spanish population is needed in arder to power its use, both far the investigation and clinic ambits.


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