The aspect of the body in pre-adolescent boys



How to Cite

Miró, M. C., & Jané, M. C. (1999). The aspect of the body in pre-adolescent boys. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 92–98. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • Mª. C. Miró
  • Mª. C. Jané


Anorexia nerviosa, Body image, Pre-adolescence


Nowadays, the need for an extremely thin body is as contagious as the fashion, partly owing to publicity and the media and partly by imitation. This project has five aims: to assess the aspect of the body; to assess the influence publicity has within this aspect; to assess the desire to lose weight; to evaluate the influence given by social models about the perfect body and to compare the results obtained by boys and girls. The following hypothesis are set out: 1 st. - Boys wony about their body the same as girls. 2nd. - Boys can be influenced as much as girls by social models and publicity about the perfect body. 3rd. - Boys can have the same desire to lose weight as girls. 4th. - There is the same risk factor in both boys and girls of becoming anorexic. The sample (N=60) up to adolescense, they are assessed by three tests (EAT-26, EDJ and CIMEC- 40), all of which have scales that measure the perception of the perfect body. The statistical analysis applies to two tests, the T of Student and the Chi square. The following conclusions are drawn. - There is a similiarity i. e., there are no significant differences between boys and girls as far as their own image of their body is concerned. - The influence of publicity affects boys more than girls. - The desire to lose weight is the same in both boys and girls and there are no significant dif.ferences. - The same riskfactor exists in becoming anorexic in both boys and girls.


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