Transitional object and fetish in childhood gender identity disorder



How to Cite

Fernández Rivas, A. ., & González Torres, M. A. . (2001). Transitional object and fetish in childhood gender identity disorder . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 16–21. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A. Fernández Rivas
  • M. A. González Torres


Gender identity disorder, child, transitional object, fetish


Gender Identity Disorder implies the existence of a persisten! discrepancy between one's own biologica/ sex and nuclear gender identity. The subjects affected expe­rience a deep suffering regarding their own sex. The desire to belong to the other sex forces them to state their real sex is the opposite one.
Prevalence and incidence of the disorder in chil­dren and adolescents are still unknown, mainly due to the lack of epidemiological studies in these popu/a­tions.
Gender Identity Disorder is a complex c/inical entity. Severa! factors, including psychodynamic ones, take part in its etiology.
Two cases of Gender ldentity Disorder in chil­dren are presentcd hcrc. Psychodynamic aspects, emphasizing the etiological role of transitional object ant the fetish object are examined and explo­red.


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Author Biographies

A. Fernández Rivas

Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete (Vizcaya). Osakidetza-Servi­cio de Salud.

M. A. González Torres

Servicio de Psiquiatría. Hospital Basurto (Bilbao). Osakidetza-Ser­viciode Salud.


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