Classical and new or bymodal antipsychotics in childhood and adolescence disorders: remaining questions



How to Cite

Rodríguez-Ramos, P., & Gutiérrez, J. R. (1999). Classical and new or bymodal antipsychotics in childhood and adolescence disorders: remaining questions. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 45–61. Retrieved from



Review article


  • P. Rodríguez-Ramos Servicios de Salud Mental de Tetuán
  • J. R. Gutiérrez Hospital Infanta Cristina


Antipsychotics, Childhood, Adolescence


45 years of therapeutic experiencie with classical antipsychotics in childhood and adolescence disorders shows both ejficacy and risks due to improper use ar to severe adverse effects (axtrapyramidal symptoms, cognitive impairment). New or bymodal antipsychotics with similar clinical eflicacy, enhance negative symptoms with fewer neuroleptic adverse reactions. Its use in child and adolescent psychiatry should be based on the knowledge of its characteristics, analysed through studies of clinical response and rigorous measures of extrapyramidal symptoms, cognitive outcome and other adverse ejfects.


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