Inward evaluation and research in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: a handle deficiency



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Rodríguez-Ramos, P., Fernández, M. A., & Ortega, P. (1998). Inward evaluation and research in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: a handle deficiency. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 110–120. Retrieved from



Review article


  • P. Rodríguez-Ramos Servicios de Salud Mental del Distrito de Tetuán
  • M. A Fernández Servicios de Salud Mental del Distrito de Tetuán
  • P. Ortega Servicios de Salud Mental del Distrito de Tetuán


Childhood, Adolescence, Mental Health Services


The dynamic organisation o/ child and adolescents mental health services requires different services in multidisciplinary colaboration and consultation with other agencies in the field, operating at severa! levels to meet the needs o/ different problems. Professional 's help and information is needed in health social and educational settings. An alternative is the development o/ school-based help and treatments, as much as systematic therapeutic outcome comparative measures. Limitations o/ resources requires methodologies to improve services without increasing costs.


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