Extended realease methylphenidate (medikinet®) twice a day, a prospective open trial



How to Cite

Montañés Rada, F., Martínez Granero, M. A., Vidal Fermoso, M., Sanchez Romero, S., & Andrés Prado, M. J. (2012). Extended realease methylphenidate (medikinet®) twice a day, a prospective open trial. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 29(1), 50–58. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/241



Orginial article


  • Francisco Montañés Rada Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón
  • Miguel Angel Martínez Granero HUFA
  • Margarita Vidal Fermoso CSM Arganda
  • Sergio Sanchez Romero DUE HUFA
  • Maria Josefa Andrés Prado MIR Preventiva, HUFA


ADHD, extended release methylphenidate, medikinet®, 8 hours, posology, open prospective study, efficacy, tolerability


The first study in which an 8 hours extended release methylphenidate 50/50 (medikinet®) is given twice a day to children is presented. As an open prospective study 60 consecutive admissions to a child psychiatric consultation that need methylphenidate from 8 to 21 hours and were not suitable to be given a short action methylphenidate (4 hours), where offered medikinet® twice a day with the following posology: a fixed dose of 30 mg in breakfast (8:00 hours) and either 10 mg (n=34) or 20 mg (n=6) at evening (15:00 hours). There were no significant differences between the 40 patients included in the study and the 20 patients that refused medikinet® twice a day. Patients were either moderate or severe in symptoma tology according to the 20 items Conners Scale for teachers (>45). At week 8 complete remission were reached for 63% patients (syndromic one for 12.5% , symptomatic one for 25% and functional one for 22,5%) Furthermore, 27,5% reached partial remission (decrease of at least 25% of symptoms). Scores in all subscales for Eyberg, Conners (Parents and Teachers) were reduced till level of normal population (except for conduct subscale of Teachers´) in a statistical significant level (p<0.05). Due to insomnia 2 patients reduced doses of 50/50- MTF to 10 mg and 3 drew up medikinet in the evening.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Montañés Rada, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón

Jefe de la Unidad de Psiquiatría HUFA.

Miguel Angel Martínez Granero, HUFA

Neuropediatra HUFA

Margarita Vidal Fermoso, CSM Arganda


Maria Josefa Andrés Prado, MIR Preventiva, HUFA



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