Role of the archaic reflections of the first month of life in the development of intelligence and psychoemotional apparatus



How to Cite

Martorella, A. M. (2011). Role of the archaic reflections of the first month of life in the development of intelligence and psychoemotional apparatus. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 28(4), 63–72. Retrieved from



Case reports


  • A M Martorella Hospital Gral. de Niños “Dr. Pedro de Elizalde” y Fundación Kamala


Adaptive resources, defense mechanisms, intelligence


From the observations of three infants in the pediatric consultation, two of them made by myself, in babies who did not exceed the month of life, I could identify some adaptive resources / protectors such as drowsiness, some part of the body closed, suction, turning the head to both sides, vocalizations to tears and groans, closing and opening of the body through his limbs, body rigidity, suspension of respiratory activity, blinking, staring at a static object, vomiting, backward movement of the head, contemplating the face of the mother, contact directed with hands, the arching of the trunk, peripheral vasodilation, the prone position, the position of fencing. Some of these resources will be exemplified from the situations observed in three infants: Vladimir, Brian and Naarah, 8, 10 and 34 days old, respectively, and then correlate them with two theories based on psychoanalysis as are the defensive mechanisms (Anna Freud) and psychogenesis (Piaget).


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