Nowadays validity of Barkley's criteria for the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder with Hiperactivity



How to Cite

Catalá, M. . A., Carrasco, M. A. ., Gómez Beneyto, M. ., & Agüero Juan, A. . (1994). Nowadays validity of Barkley’s criteria for the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder with Hiperactivity . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 198–202. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. Angel Catalá
  • M Andrés Carrasco
  • M. Gómez Beneyto
  • A. Agüero Juan


HSQ, Hiperactive. Children, Validity


Aim: to assess the validity of Barkley's criteria for the diagnosis of ADDH by comparing it to DSM-III-R criteria. Subjects: a community random sample of 304 ten-year-old children resident in the city of Valencia. Instruments: Conners's parenting Rating Scale, Routh's adaptation of Werry-Weis-Peters Activity Rating Scale, Routh's adaptation of Werry Weis-Peters Activity Rating Scale and Barkley's Home Situations Questionnaire. Kiddy-SADS semiestructured clinical interview for diagnosis according to DSM-III-R criteria. Results: agreement between Barkley's and DSM-III-R criteria was found to be poor: kappa ha?s ranged between 0.15 and 0.20.


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Author Biographies

M. Angel Catalá

Universitat de Valencia-Estudi General. Area 012-Servicio Valenciano de Salud.

M Andrés Carrasco

Unidad de Salud Mental 021 (Servicio Valenciano de Salud)

M. Gómez Beneyto

Universitat de Valencia-Estudi General. Area 012-Servicio Valenciano de Salud.

A. Agüero Juan

Universitat de Valencia-Estudi General. Area 012-Servicio Valenciano de Salud.


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