Analyses the ARSUIC Suicide Risk Care Program in Children and Adolescents in the Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina



How to Cite

Bello, I., Conseglieri, A., Suárez, C., del Álamo, C. ., & Molina, M. A. (2022). Analyses the ARSUIC Suicide Risk Care Program in Children and Adolescents in the Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 39(1), 25–30.



Orginial article




suicide, child psychiatry, adolescent psychiatry, Program evaluation



Introduction: This article analyses the ARSUIC Suicide Risk Care Program as a factual record through which we can study suicidal behaviour, with the aim of studying mechanisms involved in suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents.

Methods: Retrospective hospital-based study was conducted between 2017 and 2019. Cases of children under 18 years of age treated for suicidal behaviour in the network of psychiatric resources of the Infanta Cristina University Hospital were collected.

Results: 39 ARSUICs were drawn who met the inclusion criteria for the study. The average age recorded was 16, 61 years. Disparity between sexes was observed, with 74, 36% of girls. Regarding the type of behaviour, 69,23% were drug intoxication, 10,26% self-harm behaviour, 17,95% self-harm ideation and 2,56% caustic ingestion. From all cases, only 25,64% were repetitive behaviour. Considering health determinants, 33,33% had some type of comorbidity and 30,77% had a family history of mental health. With reference to social factors it was noticed that 38,46% matched to migrant children and 23,08% of the children belonged to families with serious socio-economic problems.

Conclusions: Despite being a small sample, it has been explored health determinants of suicidal behaviour among children under 18 years of age in our health area.



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