Life events and pathological processes in childhood



How to Cite

Mardomingo, M. J., & Flores Mateos, A. (1993). Life events and pathological processes in childhood. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 142–153. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. J Mardomingo Hospital Gregorio Marañón
  • A Flores Mateos Hospital Gregorio Marañón


Allergy, Life events, Inventory


The study of a possible relationship between life events and childhood diseases has becoming a subject of increasing interest during the last 30 years. In this work a comparative study on life events it is made between a group of ill patients aged 4-14 and a control group. It has been used a Life Events Inventory adapted to the Spanish population of children, and a socialechonomical survey. The statistical analysis used the Mann-Witbney Test and the median test onyf with continuity adjustment. Children of the experimental group showed a greater number of L.E. than the ones of the control group. Patients suffering from allergical processes bad a bigger number of I..E. than the other ill children.


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