Fluvoxamine: an alternative pharmacological treatment in anorexia neroosa



How to Cite

Rey Sánchez, F., Sánchez Iglesias, S., Samino Aguado, F., Lorenzo Bragado, M., & Pérez Urdániz, A. (2021). Fluvoxamine: an alternative pharmacological treatment in anorexia neroosa. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 111–117. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/821



Orginial article


  • F Rey Sánchez Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • S Sánchez Iglesias Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • F.J Samino Aguado Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • MJ Lorenzo Bragado Hospital Clínico Universitario
  • A Pérez Urdániz Hospital Clínico Universitario


Anorexia nervosa, Fluvoxamine, Serotonine


An advance of a researcb project going under way is presented in relation with the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa with Serotonine Reuptake inhibitors, concretely Fluvoxamine, in arder to explore the hypotbesis, increasingly accepted, of the implications of serotonine (5-HT) in the etbiology of eating disorders. We show epidemiologic data of 9 patients, 2 mate and 7 fema/e, and the results obtained in 8 ofthem treated whith doses of Fluvoxamine between 100 and 159 mg/24 h. One patient had to be excluded from tbe study because intolerance to Fluvoxamine.


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