Effects of dívorce in chíldren



How to Cite

Jiménez Hernández, J., Oteiza Motrico, A., & López Peña, P. (2021). Effects of dívorce in chíldren. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 98–110. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/820



Orginial article


  • J.L Jiménez Hernández Hospital de Cruces
  • A Oteiza Motrico
  • P López Peña Hospital Santiago Apóstol


Divorce, Childhood psychopatbology, Parent-child interaction


In the last 10 years the divorce increased notably in our Country. The effects of marital breakdown are emotional distress on children. A retrospective study about 66 pediatric patients ( 6. 1 % aj ali tbe patients seen in our Hospital in the year 1991), with the common characteristic of previous parent's separation, was done. Forty cases (60.6%) had parent's psycbiatric disease either one or both. Between mothers (27 motbers with mental disorders: 40.9%), the diagnostic most frequently used was Depression: 11 mothers (16. 6%), followed by Anxlety Disorders: 7 mothers (10.6%). The predominant psychopathology in the 30 Jathers with mental disorder ( 45. 4%) was alcohoUsm, with 19 cases (28. 7%). A significant number of children suffer Jrom depression (3 7 patients: 56%), including those about adaptation disease, abdominal acbes, and beadades. The results of this study sbow that tbe cb ildren of "marital breakdown" suffer frequently from symptomatology depressive and tbe strength of effective disorder depends on tbe age of patient in the moment of the divorce; the adaptation of parents post-divorce; tbe kind of custody; and tbe economic effects of divorce.


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