Group 's structure and processes in children aged 9-11 years



How to Cite

Pablo Elvira, A. de, Maestro Perdices, L., & Campos Aguilar, L. (1993). Group ’s structure and processes in children aged 9-11 years. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 92–97. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A.C de Pablo Elvira Unidad de Salud Mental Infanta-Juvenil Fernando el Católico
  • L Maestro Perdices Unidad de Salud Mental Infanta-Juvenil Fernando el Católico
  • L Campos Aguilar


Group's choice, Leadership, Openness and homogeneity of the group


This study has been developed in our Child-Young Mental Health Unit and propases some hyphotesis on the characteristics of preadolescent's groups: sexual bomogeneity predominates; tbere is tbe possíbility of new members joining the group without great difficulties due to the slight importance of the strong image of the leader as wetl a , bislber plasticity and facicility to change wben, this figure exits. It has also been interesling to obseme which are tte critteria ofsetection of tbe members of the group and which laws settle and rule its perjormíng. Some relevant aspects in adult's world don 't interest at this point of the individual development. Beauty, sympatby and/or happiness are associated for severa! years to preadotascent's groups, witbout notfcing significcmce diferences between the sex or tbe range of age studted. The aim of our team bas been to develop a descnptive study that, by analizing the answers given to a questionnary made in our centre, let us know more deeply the psychosocial moment of boys and girls between nine and eleven years old.


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