Attempted suicide in childhood and adolescence: risk factors



How to Cite

Mardomingo Sanz, M., & Catalina Zamora, M. (1993). Attempted suicide in childhood and adolescence: risk factors. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 42–49. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • MJ Mardomingo Sanz Hospital General Gregorío Marañón
  • M.L Catalina Zamora Hospital General Gregorío Marañón


Suicide attempts, Riskfactors


The rate of suicide among adolescents have shown a disturbing increase in the last decades, becomíng one of the most important issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Suicide attemps increases steadily with age, especial/y among girls, who grossly outnumber boys. Ciinicians face difficult dilemmas, however, in identifying those children who are at greatest riskfor medically sertous suicide attempts. This paper presents the results of the riskfactors studied in 30 children and adolescents who have made suicide attempts compared to a matched control group. A broken home or loss of the f ather, alcoholism, disturbed upbrínging and family relationships, previous suicide attempts, school failure and social isoiation of the Jamily are significantly present.


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