Alcohol consumption and its relationship with the presence of minorpsychiatric pathology in Galicia's adolescence population



How to Cite

Mazaira Castro, J., Domínguez Santos, M., & Rodríguez López, A. (2021). Alcohol consumption and its relationship with the presence of minorpsychiatric pathology in Galicia’s adolescence population. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 35–41. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J.A Mazaira Castro Hospital General de Galicia Clínico Universitario Santiago de Compostela
  • M.O Domínguez Santos Hospital General de Galicia Clínico Universitario Santiago de Compostela
  • A Rodríguez López Hospital General de Galicia Clínico Universitario Santiago de Compostela


Alcohol consumption, Adolescence, Minor psychiatric pathology


This paper is part of a wíde epidemiological study that evaluates the mental health of the adolescence population in the autonomous regían of Galicia. The research is based on a represent,ative sample of all Galician's adolescence population consisting on 2523 youths aged between 12 and 18. It has been our aim to analise the alcohol habits in this population, anda/so to estímate the relationship between alcohol consumption and the presence of minar psychiatric pathology. Our instruments have been: A questionaire on alcoholtaktng, makíng a dístinction between the workíng day's consumption on one hand, and saturday, as the majar day of consumption, on the other hand,· and the GHQ- 60 test, genera/y accepted as a screening instrument to discover minar psychiatric pathologies. We have also analised the possíbility of the influence of man y socialdemographic Jactors such as sex, age or habítat.


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