Epidemiological study from a new childhood-and adolescence mental health center



How to Cite

Anegón Madinabeitia, R., Pascual García, A., Rivases Aunes, A., & Lozano Soriano, I. (1993). Epidemiological study from a new childhood-and adolescence mental health center. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 11–15. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/779



Orginial article


  • R Anegón Madinabeitia
  • A Pascual García
  • A Rivases Aunes
  • I Lozano Soriano


Child psychopathology, Epidemiology, Variables


In this paper we have studied the clinical histories of 120 patients (aged between 6 and 11) who have attended a Child-Youth Mental Health Center since its opening in February 1991, until the present. We have gathered séveral socíaldemog,·aphic variables such as sex, origin, education, socioeconomic level, parent's proffesion and place in the Jamiliy, but the work is Jocused on the reason Jor consultation, treatment and evolution of the illness. We bave also taken ínto consideration the incidence of emotional deprivation and the Jactors that have contributed to the outcome of psycbopatology. Tbe diagnosis have also been analized, being the anxiety disorders, elimination disorders, behavioural dfsorders and specific developmental dfsorders the most common. Finally, we have studied both the personal and the familial psycbíatric background in each case, observing tbeir incidence and any relation wíth tbe diagnosis made.


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