Paroxetine in adolescents with depressive disorders



How to Cite

Gastaminza, X. (1995). Paroxetine in adolescents with depressive disorders. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 283–284. Retrieved from



Book reviews


  • X Gastaminza




A few years ago it was difficult to find publications on child and adolescent psychopharmacology, forcing this section to make important efforts to locate it. In 1990, as we mentioned earlier, a change began in this situation that, pleasantly, I consider has also reached our country. Thus, in this issue we review two publications by authors from our country who are also active members of our Association, congratulating us on all this.


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Gastaminza X. ¿Nuevos tiempos, otros tiempos o sencillamente el tiempo? Revista Psiquiatría Infanta-Juvenil 1991;(4):315.

Rodríguez Ramos P, de Dios Vega JL, San Sebastián Cabases J, Sordo Sordo L, Mardomingo Sanz MJ. Estudio preliminar en adolescentes con trastornos depresivos. Psiquis 1995;16:21-30.

Rodríguez Ramos P, Sordo Sordo L. ¿Qué sabemos de los inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina para su uso racional en Psiquiatría infanto-juvenil? Revista Psiquiatría Infanto- juvenil 1994;(2):125-137

González AP, Gutiérrez JR, Pérez A, Martínez T. Psicofármacos en niños y adolescentes. Farmacología del SNC 1995;9:97-113.

Quintana J, Birmaher B, Stedge D, Lennon S, Freed J, Bridge J, Greenhill L. Use of methylphenidate in treatment of children with autistic disorder. Journal of Autism an d Developmental Disorders 1995;25:283-293.

Birmaher B, Quintana II, Greenhill L. Methylphenidate treatment of hyperactive autistic children. JAmAcadChildAdolesc Psychiatry 1988;27:248-251.

Konstantareas M, Homatidis S, Cesaroni L, Brief report: variables related to parental choice to medicate their autistic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1995,25:443452.

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