Clinical presentation, comorbidity and usual treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome: study of 17 cases



How to Cite

de Lucas Taracena, M. T., Montañés Rada, F., & Martínez Granero, M. A. (2005). Clinical presentation, comorbidity and usual treatment of Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome: study of 17 cases. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 22(4), 155–163. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. T. de Lucas Taracena Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)
  • F. Montañés Rada Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)
  • M. A. Martínez Granero Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)


Tourette's syndrome, comorbidity, attention deficit disorder, metilphenidate, neuroleptics


Background: Tourette's syndrome (TS) is a childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by chronic multiple motor and vocal tics. Comorbid psychiatric disorders, particularly attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) often are present. Methods: Seventeen pediatric cases attending an outpatient neuropediatric or psychiatric clinic from 1998 to 2003 and suffering from Tourette's disorder are retrospectively studied. Age, sex, clinical symptoms, age of onset, family history, comorbidity, treatment strategies and outcome data are described. Results: All but one case were male; mean age was 10 years but mean age of onset was 5 years and 9 months. Comorbidity was present in 82,3% of patients (ADHD 53%, anxiety disorders 41,1%, OCD spectrum 58,7%). Family history was positive in 72% of cases: 41,1% for tics and 17,6% for OC conditions. Treatments mostly prescribed were antipsychotics (n=15), and metilphenidate (n=7). Treatment with metilphenidate did not exacerbate tics. Adverse effects were present in 16 patients, allowing to withdraw haloperidol (n=2) or pimocide (3 out of 7 cases) because of neurologic y/o heart side effects. Risperidone and olanzapine produced weight gain and somnolence but were better tolerated. The rate of total remission was 64,7%. Conclusion: treatment of TS should be considered in severe cases, focusing also on comorbid disorders. 


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Author Biographies

M. T. de Lucas Taracena, Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)

Fundación Hospital Alcorcón. Av. Budapest, 1.28922 Alcorcón (Madrid)

F. Montañés Rada, Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)

Fundación Hospital Alcorcón. Av. Budapest, 1.28922 Alcorcón (Madrid)

M. A. Martínez Granero, Fundación Hospital Alcorcón (Madrid)

Fundación Hospital Alcorcón. Av. Budapest, 1.28922 Alcorcón (Madrid)


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