Braín spect ín Tourette's syndrome: prelímínary results



How to Cite

Lampreave, J., Mardomingo, M., Molina, V., Alonso, J., Domínguez, P., & Almoguera, L. (1995). Braín spect ín Tourette’s syndrome: prelímínary results. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 169–172. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J.L Lampreave Hospital Universitario Gregario Marañón
  • MJ Mardomingo Centro San Juan de Dios
  • V Molina Centro San Juan de Dios
  • J.C Alonso Hospital Virgen de Alarcos
  • P Domínguez Hospital Virgen de Alarcos
  • L Almoguera Hospital Virgen de Alarcos


99mrc-HMPAO Spect, Tourette syndrome


Objectives: to evaluate the regional cerebral blood jlow in patients diagnosed with Tourette 's Syndrome (GdT)(DSM-IV). Methods: 4 unmedicated and one medicated Gdt subjects, males, right-handed and with a range of age between 11 to 13 years, underwent a 99"'Tc-HMPAO (Hexa,methyl Propylene Amine Oxime) brain Spect. Regional cerebral blood flow was assessed visual/y and throug/J a semiquantitative met/Jod, drawíng regions of interest (ROis) on the cortex and tbe subcortex, in arder to obtain left to right and ROI to cerebellum activity indexes. Results: orbital-frontal ( 4/5) Jollowed by mesial temporal lobe hypoperfusion and asimetry of perfusíon in basal ganglía and thalamus were the mostfrequent results. These are consistent witb previous publisbed reports, reinforcing the hypothesis of limbic and subcortical dysfunction. Long-term follow-up studies and more patients are required to evaluate possible implications of tbese findings.


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