Psychopathological factors and metabolic control in insulin­dependent children with Diabetes Mellitus: a clínica! study



How to Cite

Puerto Suárez de Mendoa, R. M. ., Vaz Leal., F. J., Rayo Madrid, M. T. ., & Moreno Vázquez, J. . (1994). Psychopathological factors and metabolic control in insulin­dependent children with Diabetes Mellitus: a clínica! study . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 96–101. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • R. M. Puerto Suárez de Mendoa
  • F. J. Vaz Leal.
  • M. T. Rayo Madrid
  • J. Moreno Vázquez


Diabetes Mellitus, A nxiety-depression, Scales, Glucose control


This paper explores the relationship of some psychological variables to control of insulin­dependent diabetes in children. Twenty-eight diabetic children completed two scales measuring anxiety (STAIC) and depression (CDS) in the second day of their stay in a summer camp. The metabolic state was controlled by daily and systematized glycaemia determinations. Results showed that poor metabolic control was associated to high anxiety and depression levels.


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Author Biographies

R. M. Puerto Suárez de Mendoa

Departamento de Farmacología

F. J. Vaz Leal.

Departamento de Farmacología

M. T. Rayo Madrid

Departamento de Farmacología

J. Moreno Vázquez

Departamento de Fisiología Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Extrernadura Badajoz


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