Anxiety in hospitalized children



How to Cite

Jiménez Hernández, J. L. ., Oteiza Motrico, A. ., López Peña, P. ., Isabel, E., & Sastre, M. (1994). Anxiety in hospitalized children. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 74–79. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J. L Jiménez Hernández
  • A. Oteiza Motrico
  • P. López Peña
  • E. Isabel
  • M. Sastre


Hospitalization, Pediatric patient, Anxiety


esults of a comparative study measuring the anxiety of 50 hospitalized pediatric patients and 50 children attended in an outpatients Departament consulting room, show that the hospitalized patients were more anxious than those non-hospitalized. The 60% of the hospitalized group vs. 34% of control group demonstrated a leve! of anxiety higher than
previous/y. I-Iowever, the subgroup hospitalized by Childhood Surgery dísplayed more anxiety. A 70% of these patients had an Anxiety-State greater than the Anxiety-Trait. Hospitalization, moreover, involves much more than just the Jorced absence of Jamily and school life. The added Jactor of cultural deprivatíon alon.g wíth a subsequent decrease in social interaction constitute signijicant riskfactors to the psychic health of pediatric patients hospitalized. Final/y, it's
conc/uded that the inforrnation to the patient and parents about the medica! and surgical procedures foreseeables during the time of the Hospital stay, is very impmtant to preuent an overdose oj anxiety. In this way, the second factor oj prevention is the adequate permanence oj parents wiht him. 


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Author Biographies

J. L Jiménez Hernández

Psiquiatría Infantil. Hospital de Cruces (Vizcaya)

A. Oteiza Motrico

Psicólogo clínico

P. López Peña

Psiquiatría. Hospital Santiago Apóstol. Vitoria

E. Isabel

Psiquiatría. Hospital Santiago Apóstol. Vitoria

M. Sastre

Psicólogo clínico


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