Topical treatment, with dibutylester squaric acid, for childhood alopecia areata



How to Cite

Gastaminza, X. (1995). Topical treatment, with dibutylester squaric acid, for childhood alopecia areata. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 63–64. Retrieved from



Book reviews


  • X Gastaminza




It is usual for different specialties to face the same pathology with different approaches and treatments, and an integrative approach is unusual. An integrative approach that, perhaps, all the more so with the predominant biopsychosocial model in current psychiatry, should characterize clinical practice. In this sense, this reader has collected the work of Orecchia and collaborators, from the Dermatological Clinic of the University of Pavia, Italy, in which they present the results of the study of the effectiveness and convenience of topical treatment with squaric acid dibutyl ester (AED) in the treatment of severe forms of alopecia areata in children with severe psychological disorder and resistant to other treatments.


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