Comments for understanding a case with alterations in eating behavior



How to Cite

Callicó Cantalejo, G., & Requena Varón, E. (1995). Comments for understanding a case with alterations in eating behavior. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 61–62. Retrieved from



Case reports


  • G Callicó Cantalejo Universitat de Barcelona
  • E Requena Varón Universitat de Barcelona


Difficulties in feeding


Difficulties in feeding - from anorexia to bulimia - are usually present, associated with other symptoms, in the consultations that parents make to the mental health professional. In general, eating is associated with growing up, being healthy, etc., which is why everything related to food is a major source of anxiety for parents. In this sense, Winnicott already highlighted the frequency with which appetite alterations occur in psychiatric illnesses, underlining that excessive appetite as a symptom turns out to be a defense against anxiety and depression.


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