Comorbility of hiperkinetic disorder in the clinical practice



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Rodríguez-Ramos, P., García-Pérez, R., Sánchez Picazo, F., Ortega, P., Carrascosa, C., Sánchez-Mascaraque, P., Sordo Sordo, L., Villanueva, L., & Kloppe, S. (1997). Comorbility of hiperkinetic disorder in the clinical practice. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 226–232. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • P Rodríguez-Ramos C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • R García-Pérez C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • F Sánchez Picazo C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • P Ortega C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • C Carrascosa C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • P Sánchez-Mascaraque C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • L Sordo Sordo C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • L Villanueva C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil
  • S Kloppe C. S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil


Hiperkinetic Disorder, Comorbility


A retrospective study has been done with data collecred from clinical reports in 7 mental health services of the Comunidad de Madrid and in one child mental health service in Castilla La Mancha, so as to know the incidence of the Hiperkinetic disorder (HD), its distribution in relation wíth age and gender and its comorbility with other psychiatric dísorders. Of a total of 7.205 new patients, 394 were diagnosed with HD, finding an average incidence of 5,41%, with a maximun o/ 16%, anda minimun of 3%, depending on the centres. The HD is more frecuent in males, 89%, and has higher incidence up to 8 years in both sexs, 67%. Concerning comorbility, only 15% received an exclusive HD diagnosis, the most frequent comorbid disorders where: .Emot:ional dísorders, 44.4%; specific developmental disorders, 31.5%; behavioural disorders, 25.12%; enuresis, 15%; tics disorders, 6%; and other disorders 17. 8%. The distribution of this comorbid disorders in age and gender is analyzed.


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