Functional neuroimaging techniques application in the study of an infant-juvenile psychiatric disorder: the Gilles de la Tourette 's syndrome



How to Cite

Lampreave Márquez, J. L. (1997). Functional neuroimaging techniques application in the study of an infant-juvenile psychiatric disorder: the Gilles de la Tourette ’s syndrome. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 164–170. Retrieved from



Review article


  • J. L. Lampreave Márquez Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón


Tourette 's Syndrome, SPECT, PET, EEG, Neuroimaging


The development of functional neuroimaging techniques has favoured their increasing application in psychiatric disorders, helping in the clínica! differential diagnosis of sorne diseases, correlating symptoms with image findings, assessing and even predicting response to treatment and improving the current knowledge of their pathogenesis. In the present work, the usefulness of this new technology (PET, SPECT, EEG) in the Gilles de la Tourette 's Syndrome (GdT) is presented.


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