Magnetic resonance imaging in childhood psychoses



How to Cite

Jiménez Hernández, J. L., Gil Rodríguez, J., & Villoria, R. (1997). Magnetic resonance imaging in childhood psychoses. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 148–156. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J. L. Jiménez Hernández Hospital de Cruces
  • J. Gil Rodríguez Hospital de Cruces
  • R. Villoria Hospital de Cruces


Schizophrenia, Childhood psychoses, Magnetic Resonance lmaging


Introduction: the majar resolution of MRI has been Msed to explore abnormaLities in specific brain structures, such as the amygdalalhippocampus, temporal lobes, or basal ganglia, in schizophrenic patients. Subjects and methods: we have selectioned 14 children diagnosed of Pervasive Developmental Disorder or of Childhood Onset Schizophrenia. It has been done a MRI with later measurement of dijferent cerebral structures. Results: the 80% of the whole (12 of 14 cases) showed similar brain abnormalities than tose described in schizophrenic adults. Conclusion: brain anatomic abnormalities in childhood-onset schizophrenia and in childhood onset Pervasive Developmental Disorder are similar to those reported for adult populations, suggesting overall continuity between these rare childhood cases and the adult schizophrenia populations.


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